Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Milestone?

When I found out I was pregnant last fall, my brain did a fast forward to now. I thought of all the things that would happen between then and now.

Halloween (check)
Thanksgiving (check)
Christmas (check)
Soccer season (check)
School ends (check)
David being potty trained so I only have one in diapers (not so much)

I am not the most patient potty-trainer. I have learned a little more with each child, and am finally to the point where I know that if a kid's not ready, it will only be torture for both parent and child. I took him to the store several months ago to let him choose big boy undies, and Santa helped our efforts by bringing a big boy potty for Christmas. Anytime anyone mentions going on the potty his response is, "No. It's too scary". I got special potty treats and I gave him a treat one day for simply sitting on his little potty. I know that if I would have taken the time to really make it my focus he would be potty trained by now. There are lots of books about potty training, and lots of fail-proof ways to make it happen. The problem? I didn't care enough to make it a priority. I may be accused of being lazy, but I have taken the Little Bo Peep approach to potty training (Leave them alone, and they'll come home; or...potty train themselves). It helps my sanity. I don't love to change big boy diapers, but I like cleaning up accidents even less. So that's how it has turned out for us.


the other night I sent the kids upstairs to get pajamas on. After a few minutes we heard Warren yell, "David's sitting on the big potty!" Warren sent David downstairs to show us on the downstairs toilet. We went in to see the big event, but David didn't want to be seen. Every time someone would peek in to see him he would yell, "Just go watch your shows!" (we were watching t.v.). He insisted on getting on the toilet by himself, and listening to that was entertainment in and of itself. After a couple of minutes, he came out of the bathroom completely naked and excitedly yelled, "Hey guys! Come and see my little brown thing!!!"

Sure enough. A little brown thing.

The good news? He definitely knows how to go potty.
The not so good news? He has only wanted to do it one other time in the four days since.

I'm sticking to my approach since our new little guy will be here before we know it, and I will be taking a two day vacation in the hospital, which equals a slight change in schedule. I have hope that very soon we will be purchasing only one size of diapers.


Anonymous said...

Munchman was 4 before he even sat on the toilet once. He then did the pee thing but took another 2-3 months to even try the pooh thing. I swear it took forever.

good luck!

Pike's Place said...

How funny!! I, too, am hoping Alyssa gets potty trained before the baby comes, but I'm just letting her go at her own pace. I often wonder if I'm being lazy as well, but she's making progress on her own so why stress her out? I hope our kiddos are successful soon! :)

Katie said...

That is funny. I hope he does decide to get potty trained soon. My brother-in-law and his wife were trying to potty train their 3 year old forever and she would never do it... until one day, my sister-in-law told her that she had to use the big girl potty because her Aunt Melissa was having a baby and they needed to give all the diapers to the new baby. Weirdly it worked. She's never gone back to diapers. Little kids are too funny

Unknown said...

Oh good times! I just got done cleaning the wall and floor in the bathroom for the second time this weekend. Uuugghhh!

Ali the B. said...

oh how I miss the potty training years!!!
good job on everything & good luck!!

Laura said...

I had to potty train 7 kids and never felt proficient at it. I used the Bopeep method also. It worked eventually and I didn't stress out too much. It's all good.

Kellie said...

K I've decided that if I was as clever as you are at writing stories my blog would be up to date! How I envy your witty capability! I am so excited David discovered that he is NOT afraid of the potty! Tell him Savvy is very proud of him :D