Friday, August 31, 2007

Things I learned today...

1) When the fridge door is open, David's arm fits perfectly in the crack by the hinge.

2) When the fridge door is closed, David's arm doesn't bend with it.

3) It makes David sad to have his arm shut in the fridge.

4) Even though David's mom felt horrible for shutting his arm in the fridge door, it did not prevent her from doing it not once, but TWICE within the period of an hour.

5) I will not be nominated for Mother of the Year anytime soon.


Ker said...

I am sorry that I am laughing so hard at your entry Dean! Its just that I can SOOOOOOOoo imagine it. I just love little boys. OMG! I am sorry that he got caught twice, but you tell stories soooooooooo funny. I love baby Davie, and well you rock too girlfriend. I would still nominate you!

Jodi said...

Did I ever tell you that the heavy high chair tray slipped out of my hands and went like a boomerang straight for poor Callie's head sitting nearby? It knocked her straight over and she had a huge goose egg. I felt as awesome as you did. Don't worry I think all of those fun moments happen to the best moms (not that I am saying that I am the best mom). Now I am rambling- you get what I am trying to say right?

Renee said...

Those things happen. I have had a couple of my own 'not so good mommy moments'. You are still a great mom!

Wright Family said...

This past week Seth informed me that I wasn't being very nice. I put myself in time out. I asked him what I could do to be a better mommy. This was his reply, "Read your scriptures." Next day he brought me his scripture and said, "Find in here where it says can't be mean to Seth and Liam." I tried to tell him it doesn't say those exact words. Seth replied with, "Find it!". I think being a mom is the hardest thing ever but the most rewarding thing ever as well. Keep up the good work!

Jodi said...

I remember the time I flipped Bradley out of his carseat upside down onto the mall parking lot...I felt the same way. You just live and learn - and you're still a good mom!

Maleen said...

You are so funny. I think I have done many things like that and you can feel better knowing you are not the first and certainly not the last.

jennie said...

Wow, I wouldn't have even thought of the fridge door to be a hazard. Thanks for the heads up. I needed something else to be paranoid about!

Melanie said...

Can I comment here too, Deanne? I was just catching up on your blog and had to comment on this one. It made me laugh so hard! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but at least we can laugh at them later. My most horrible moment was when Bryson was a baby (about 7 months old) and we took him to Fred Meyer and put him in one of those carts that have the built in car seats on top and (not my fault) Jeremy forgot to buckle him in! So, a few minutes later, he rolls right out of the car seat, face first on the concrete floor with several people watching! It was so awful, not only because I was worried he would be brain damaged or something after a fall like that, but then all those people staring at me like I was the world's worst mommy!

So, when you do those great mommy moments, try not to have witnesses!