Saturday, May 30, 2009

School's Out! School's Out! School's Out!

It's hard to believe the school year is over! We have been very grateful for amazing teachers.

Olivia's graduation may have made me cry. Her teacher has been so incredible. She switched back to our local school from the accelerated program after Christmas, and it has proved to be the very best decision for her. If more teachers loved their job like this one, public education wouldn't be in trouble. He expects a lot from his students and makes learning fun at the same time. She came home almost daily excited about something new that she learned. It also helped to have a great friend in her class!

Sean's teacher was so sweet. The class nickname she gave him was "Handsome Devil".
Warren's class was participating in field day activities so I didn't get a picture with his teacher, but I did find this picture from Halloween. She has been great, too!
Our school sent teacher assignments for next year home with the kids on the last day of school. Usually the class lists are posted about a week before school starts, so this was something new. The kids are all thrilled about the teachers they got, and phone calls to friends were made. All of the kids have at least one good friend in their class, so there were smiles all around.
I met the kids at the bus stop to record their last moments of the school year.

In the near future we are planning a trip to Krispy Kreme to cash in on our report cards. They give one donut per 'A' (or the equivalent).
Happy Summer!!!


Unknown said...

Hip hooray for school being out! We still have another week and a half. Mr. E is an awesome teacher. I probably miss him more than Cody.

Jodi said...

I love the chant coming from the bus. You can hear it the entire way down the street! I'm glad that Olivia had such a great teacher this year.

Carrie said...

Yippee! That is so exciting! We are usually out by this time,but they switched it up this year. Your kids are growing up so beautiful and fast. Lets really try to get together this summer okay?

Laura said...

Even though I'm "old", I can also say "Hooray! School's out!" But for me, it now gives me a chance to catch up on all the things that don't get done during the year while I am teaching and allows me to destress a little. Glad to hear your kids had a good school year. Do you have fun plans for the summer (other than welcoming a new little Moses to the family?)