Friday, May 1, 2009

Yeth-ir-ee I'm Three!

It's true. I'm not sure how it happened, but my "baby" is three! When I ask him if he's my baby he says, "No. I'm your big boy. Your baby is in there (as he points to my belly)." It's comforting to know he won't feel like his place as baby has been taken when the new arrival comes. He is growing up so fast! He watches his older siblings and follows suit. He is a pro on his scooter. He even does tricks. He is becoming very independent, and keeps us laughing every day. As mentioned in the previous post, his birthday came while we were still in Park City. We didn't do much celebrating in Park City (we did eat off of special Arthur plates for our lunch). As we were getting in the car to head home to begin the celebration I asked him, "How old are you, buddy?" He replied, "I'm free." I told him to watch my mouth and said, "THree". Then he said...

He said it several times, so I was able to get it on video. (Sorry you have to tilt your head to watch.)
I was unsure how to celebrate his birthday. Leading up to his birthday I would ask him what he wanted for his birthday and he would say, "Dora cupcakes." He has never in his life watched an episode of Dora. His desire for Dora cupcakes came when we were buying half-birthday treats for Sean's school class and he saw the Dora cupcakes at the bakery. No matter how much we asked he wouldn't ever say what he wanted. In fact, the kids started giving suggestions and he would say, "I don't need those things!" and get a little angry. He finally said he would like some gumballs (he may be addicted to sugar). I was grateful that he would be easily pleased!
At home we had dinner, then opened presents. He wasn't ready to give up his face paint so we let him open presents as a tiger.

He got a dinosaur set, a puzzle, a kite, some keys, a bike, and gumballs.He kept his gumballs by his side all evening. He even slept with the bag of gumballs next to him.
I wanted to have some photos of him without face paint on, so I said we would do cake and ice cream after baths. Earlier in the day, a request for Thomas the Tank Engine to join the cupcakes came. (I think it was Sean that made the suggestion to David. David has some Thomas sunglasses that he was wearing, and Sean said, "How about Thomas cupcakes?") I wasn't about to pay $20 for bakery cupcakes so we improvised. We stopped at Partyland on the way home from Park City and I got some Dora stickers and some Thomas party blowers to put on the cupcakes. He was thrilled!
It was all very exciting!

Hmm... What should I wish for?
It was so fun watching him bask in the attention. How I love this little guy! He brings such a sweet and happy energy to our home.
Hey David. Know you what? I love you so much!

(He says, "Know you what?" frequently. He will come up to me and say, "Hey Mom, know you what?" and then proceed to tell me something very important. My very favorite was the time he said, "Hey Mom, know you what? (he had his hands behind his back) I...found...your....White silky!!! then revealed his white silky from behind his back)


Maleen said...

He seriously is such a cutie. I can't believe he is three though...that went really fast. I remember you telling me when you were expecting him, and the ultrasound not being certain. But I am glad he is who he is, he is a perfect fit for your family.

Ali the B. said...

Okay, he is a mini Darren!! What a fun post, I hope you don't mind that I found your blog, I can't even remember how, but if you want to be invited to ours, send me an email:
I just think your family is so adorable!! I wish soccer wasn't ending, so that I could actually see you on the field & chat, catch up & all that jazz....okay, long comment about NOTHING grand, just know I think you are completely AWESOME!! See you around somewhere!
Ali B.

Natalie said...

He is so old and so cute. I can't believe how old our families are getting. I swear we just graduated yesterday. Good celebrating!

Anonymous said...

he is sooooo stinkin' cute.... loved those pictures... it goes so fast :(

Ker said...

I love my David lova! Tell him Kewee lova-lova loves him!

Jodi said...

Ummm...he MIGHT be addicted to sugar??!?
I love his guts...Happy Birthday David!!!

Jodi said...

Wow- I can still remember when I held him the first time. We came to your house when you first got home from the hospital and Olivia just about threw him into my arms. Do you remember that? How time flies. He was such a cute baby and is still darling!