Monday, May 4, 2009

In the news

I like to be informed, but I have to be careful about how much time I spend watching the news. Too much exposure to disturbing things tends to get me down. Here are a couple of interesting stories I heard recently:

1) A woman in Germany decided it would be a good idea to jump the enclosure at the zoo and join the polar bears AT FEEDING TIME. The zookeepers had to hit the polar bears on the head repeatedly in order to get the woman out. More on the story here.

2) Following up on a complaint (about a serious stench) from neighbors, police found the remains of a (then) 95 year old woman in a cluttered bedroom. She had been dead for SIX years. Her 61 year-old daughter lived in the home with her and had not reported her mother missing because she "didn't have the money for a proper burial." The daughter had been collecting the mother's social securtiy checks; totalling more than $60,000. If you have a desire (or are still just shaking your head and don't believe me), you can see it here.

All news isn't bad. My kids' school was nominated as "Cool School of the Week" several weeks back, and Olivia got her 30 seconds of fame. Her class was asked to sing a song that her teacher made up about how laws are made. It was so fun to see her on TV.

If you have any other interesting news items to share, please do. I would hate to miss out on any real gems.


Anonymous said...

I force myself to watch headline CNN once a week for 10 mninutes, so that I am not an idiot, the rest I read online and that is all Ican handle, but that one of the lady who passed away 6 years ago is horrible!

congrats on the school thing though :)

Maleen said...

Eew. You would think she would at least bury her mother in the backyard or something. How could you handle the smell?

Jodi said...

That dead lady story gave me the willies! I thought people started to stink after a couple of weeks. How could she stand the smell for years??? Yuck.

I don't have any good news stories to share. I should turn on my tv once and awhile!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Very interesting. It's scary how unusual/freaky some people are.

Unknown said...

I don't watch the news anymore it comes on at 11pm here and I'm asleep by then (at least hopefully by then). The early news did do a nice story last week during the Quail Hollow golf tourney. An older lady with cancer loves Tiger Woods so the news channel got her tickets to see him play. Thanks for the link on the school.