Yesterday afternoon the neighborhood troops were headed my way, sporting their swimming gear. I asked what they were doing, and they informed me that they were coming swimming in our pool. (For those of you who don't know me well, I should explain that the pool that we own is inflatable.) I quickly nixed that idea, knowing that their desire to swim would be short lived, and my effort in filling the pool would be in vain, but graciously offered to turn on the sprinklers to let them enjoy what is sure to be one of the last heatwaves of the year. They had a great time, and apparently it was exhausting, because about 10 minutes after the neighborhood kids went home, we found Warren like this...
Looks comfy!
How can kids do that? Play so hard and then fall asleep in a contorted postion. what a way to wear him out Deanne. I will have to remember the sprinklers the next time the girlies want me to fill up the pool saves the hastle great idea!
I cannot believe that! Poor little guy -all tuckered out!
Wow - he was pooped! But it was good you got one last "sprinkler day" looks like fall is here!
Always surprise me how kids can fall asleep in the strangest places along with positions.
that is awesome! How comfortable could that have been. what a great picture!
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