Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still Got It? Not so much.

I'm not sure why I remembered this experience today. It may be because I'm struggling to feel attractive, and as a result wanting to get back to a regular workout routine (and as a result thinking a lot about the Rec Center), but whatever the reason, this experience makes me laugh, so I'll share.

Several months ago my friend Julie and I took our kids to the Rec center to go swimming. At one point Julie offered to watch all the kids so I could sit in the hot tub. I hadn't been in very long when a young single guy starts a conversation with me. Here's how it went:

The guy: So, did you just finish your hundred or are you getting ready for your swim? (It took me a minute to realize that he said this in a " come here often?" kind of way. It's been a LONG time since I've been hit on)

Me (pretty sure I'm wearing my wedding ring, and not wanting to give any wrong ideas): Nope, just here with my kids.

Lily (Julie's daughter who had taken Warren to the bathroom): Deanne, Warren needs you to wipe his bum.

(End pick up scene--Happily back to reality)

I'm not sure what the guy did, but I had a good hearty chuckle. I thought about winking and saying, "I'll be right back" but I refrained.


shawna said...

i was in the grocery store not too long ago. A guy was buying chapstick after being out in the dunes all day. . . lips cracked and bleeding. I suggested the Chapstick Peppermint kind. On my way out to the car I heard him telling his friends. .. 'yeah this lady in there said the stuff was really good."
Since when did I become a 'this lady' It made me feel old.
I think it has been oh 7 years since anyone hit on me other than chuck. the mexicans in their clunker cars don't count round these border town parts.

Maleen said...

Whatever, you totally still got it!!

I don't think I have been hit on in FOREVER (not a bad thing really) but that may be because I take my children everywhere. I'll have to remember the bum wiping line; nothing like putting a guy back in his place very quickly.

Anonymous said...

Well I can understand why he hit on you. You are one hot momma, I am sorry you don't feel that right now. But I am sure your hubby would agree, Here's to feeling sexy!

Natalie said...

I hate those unattractive feeling days! You always look fabulous when I see you. Getting picked up on (especially at a swimming pool in a swimsuit)tells you how great you still look. I can't remember the last time another guy even looked at me (beyond those that don't speak English, like your friend said)!

Deanne said...

Let me clarify. It has been over a decade since anyone has given me a line, and even then it was usually the sleazy boys in the mall while I was working. Believe me, if I were to line up all the guys that have hit on me 1)the line wouldn't be very long 2)you wouldn't be impressed with the caliber! Remember that this experience happened at the REC center! Enough said, right?

Jodi said...

I remember hearing this story right after it happened. It is still just as funny a while later! I love that you didn't even realize that he was hitting on you. That is totally how I would be!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the good laugh!!

Sarah said...

Ha ha, Deanne, your such a babe, I'm sure he couldn't resist hitting on you. Anyway, it may only be the sleezy guys because of the wedding ring, I'm sure the not so sleezy ones would take up the opportunity if it weren't there. Thank goodness it is though, otherwise you wouldn't be in my family! :)