Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fashion 101/Safety First

Before I was a mom I was going to be "that mom". You know, the one whose children were always well dressed, hair combed, no snot running down their noses. Then I had kids and had days like the one I am about to document. Last summer I promised we would go to the safety fair one Saturday morning. I didn't want to get out of bed and I knew I didn't have it in me to be the mom I always vowed I would be. So we went to the safety fair looking like this (at least I made good on my promise to go): (Please forgive the hazy images. My camera kept taking photos like these and I kept wondering what was wrong. My lens was dirty.)

First-Olivia sporting her soccer shorts, school t-shirt, and gold slips

Warren in an outfit he picked out all by himself, including tall socks and the camera case:

And the winner: Sean. See for yourself. I laugh out loud whenever I see this photo (I think it's the facial expression that makes it even more fabulous):

Check him out! At least he tucked his shirt in to "fancy it up". This photo will be on his wedding video someday!

We got free helmets

...learned about dog-biting safety, then got a bone to practice (?)
...listened carefully about fire out safely...learned the importance of staying smoke free
...and the importance of brushing
...and got some prizes
I still see the value in hygiene, cute clothes, and done hair. I now also see the value in being flexible and letting go of some battles on some days. We got out the door in record time with absolutely no complaints (which was totally worth the pride I had to swallow). I have had lots of days like this in my career as a mom, and I will have many more, I'm sure. And to those who still say that their kids will NEVER (insert any horrific offense here)...I say, Maybe, maybe not. The beauty of it is that we get to choose the kind of parent we are to our kids, but we don't get to choose their personalities, likes, dislikes, fears, dreams, etc. and part of discovering who they are helps us discover who we are, too.


Rynell said...

I totally get this.

And I've thought you are the most awesome mother for a long time now.

Kelly said...

Amen, sista! I love hearing your take on this. I feel exactly the same! I definitely have learned to pick my battles...sounds like you have too! Almost everything about being a Mom is so completely different from what I imagined it to be. I'm definitely more "that mom" than I thought I'd be! Love you!

AnneMarie said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto!!! Lately everytime I go to the grocery store somebody asks Beck where his shoes are, I want to say (In John's voice)"Dude, who cares?"

Maleen said...

Well, you have seen my kids so you know I am not the mother who worries about what they wear (as long as it is modest). My kids latest is wearing multiple layers (like shorts WITH pants). Awesome.

By the way, I totally remember that day. The weather was so nasty. I stood outside the fire camper getting poured on (with Daisy) while the kids were inside. What a crazy day.

Carrie said...

Thanks Deanne for your insights. I feel exactly the same and have had those days where I cant believe I am letting them leave the house that way! lol Love ya girl, you are amazing!

Unknown said...

I'm actually incredibly impressed. I was there too with similarly dressed children yet I don't think we had the same educational experience, good job riding out the rain and the long lines!

Kayla said...

I say the fact that they are all dressed is a huge step! I don't have kids but I've taken care of cousins before and seriously, as long as they have clothes on some days I consider that a success! I love that they are wearing their helmets in all of the pictures. You have darling kids!

Chelle! said...

I love this story. A few weeks ago, we had a family (5 children) sitting with us in church. Their mom was out of town and their dad is in the bishopric. They had ALL dressed themselves. We had a guy lean over and say--"Who are those children?" I told him who they were. Then, realizing that the way they looked was completely different--I added, "Their mom is out of town and their dad dressed them." He chuckled and said, "Oh, I do understand that one."

So, Deanne, just blame it on your husband. It works!!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Oh what cute kids. I love Olivia's gold shoes. I think that's great that you went, you're wonderful. I need to work on letting things go.

Cindy B said...

I think they look pretty respectable! And I love you way more than I would if you were THAT mom.

Unknown said...

I have been there! I do however have to put an end to the "Christmas" green and red outfits that try to make it out the door.