Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Master Chef strikes again

Remember this post? Well, apparently his desire to cook his own food and his independence are both still very much intact. The other day Warren was ready for lunch before I was ready to make it, so he took matters into his own hands. He got a frozen burrito and a plate and asked me how long to cook it. I told him 1,3,5 start (One minute 35 seconds). I was busily chatting on the phone and he was busily watching cartoons while he waited for his lunch. A little while later I smelled something and looked toward the kitchen. It was FILLED with thick gray smoke. I quickly ended my phone call as I ran to the kitchen to open the microwave (and prayed that there wouldn't be fire inside!). There was 4:13 left on the microwave. After I saw that there wasn't any fire, I called for David and Warren to run outside as I opened all the windows and fanned the front door to get some of the smoke out. The smoke detector never went off, so battery checks are in order!!! Before I share the photos, I need to clarify a few things. 1) We do feed our children non-processed food on a regular basis (and lots of fruits and veggies). Fruits and veggies don't usually cause kitchen catastrophes which is why they have not yet made a spot on my blog. 2) I am aware of the potential dangers of using plastic in the microwave. This experience only confirmed that.

It went all the way through the plate:

Thankfully, the microwave cleaned up pretty well, although every time we use it there is a still a lingering burnt smell.
After we cleaned it up Warren (with a shaky, about ready to cry voice) said, "I thought you said 1,1,3,5". I gave him a hug and assured him it wasn't his fault and that I should have watched more closely. I sent him upstairs to get dressed for school. After a few minutes I noticed him at the top of the stairs with the same sad, unsure face. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "When Dad comes home and sees the plate in the garbage, I will get in trouble." (This statement was totally mysterious to me. Darin is not an angry person, and if he would have seen the plate he probably would have laughed.) I again reassured him, and told him there was nothing to be in trouble for. I gave him another hug, and he seemed to be feeling better. I called Darin to let him know of our adventure, and told him what Warren had said about Dad getting mad. He laughed and wondered why he felt that way, but said he would make sure to handle it delicately.
We'll have to see what the future holds for Warren's culinary skills. I hope he isn't gun shy based on this experience. I am planning on having him help me with dinner sometime soon (totally supervised, of course!) to boost his confidence!
In other Warren news, this is his newest phase. Sometimes it's mismatched socks, sometimes it's mismatched shoes, sometimes it's matching everything. Depends on the day and his mood.


Maleen said...

Poor guy...he has had some bad luck in the kitchen.

And has Darin ever gotten mad about anything?? I just can't see it.

Cindy B said...

Poor Warren! How scary! It's a good thing you acted so fast. Maybe next time you are cooking, you could ask him to give you a hand. That might keep him from being timid in the kitchen.

And I love that you took pictures of the whole thing!

Kellie said...

wow!!! that is quite the shot!!! I would be timid in the kitchen too if I ever did that! :D Thank goodness he has such kind, patient parents to help him through it :D waych someday he will be a famous chef and have lines out the door to try his cooking :D

Adrianne Miller said...

Poor warren and poor burrito!!

Natalie said...

Absolutely Hilarious!

AnneMarie said...

So funny! I hope mine wasn't the phone call that distracted you! I also hope your house smells better soon!

Becky said...

Darin mad.... nope, can't see it.

Stacy said...

Oh, that is so sad. But on a lighter note, I am digging the Clone Wars pjs, we have a pair or two of those at our house (along with countless other Star Wars trinkets and memorabilia). It's all about Star Wars over here :)

Carlye said...

Tell him not to feel too bad, microwaves are tricky thinks. Even adults make mistakes. Last year at work I started our microwave on fire by popping popcorn. I put it in and was going to stand and wait, but I got called to the phone and forgot. Not for long. Someone yelled and I quickly remembered as I ran back to find a very black microwave and a very smoky room. I was banned from the new microwave!! :(

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Oh man, that plate was fried. Smoke and burning things are sure scary. Glad everything turned out ok.

Marie said...

Darin yells at me all the time. I understand Warren's concern.