Monday, June 16, 2008

Members Only?

We bought a pass to the zoo this year, and we received an "exclusive invitation" to visit the zoo after hours--a privilege reserved for pass holders. We headed up with Jodi's family (they, too, are pass holders). I have never seen the zoo so crowded! Here is where we parked (the picture was taken as we were leaving the zoo, so all the cars that used to be parked on the side of the road had left). The zoo entrance is across the road from where you can see headlights coming toward you.

We barely squeaked into a bird show (that was awesome, by the way). I didn't get any pictures because the birds were flying so fast. We tried to go on the carousel after the bird show, but the line was crazy long. We walked around for a little bit, took a few pictures of the monkeys...

David was trying to show us his monkey face but he was laughing too hard...

He kept trying...As we were getting ready to leave we passed the carousel and there was no line! Yay! David was requesting the tiger as soon as he saw it. On the way out the kids saw the big sneezing elephant and had to stop for a while. Here they are anticipating the sneeze.Ah Ah Ah Ah, ACHOO!!!I'm not sure if David was a fan. These guys didn't seem to mind, though!

We did take pictures of some real animals, of course.

These are the turkeys taking advantage of the leftover kettle corn. That's the only picture I took of live animals. The kids didn't seem to mind, and since we have a pass, we will have plenty of opportunities to see them throughout the year, right? So even though it didn't feel like a very "exclusive members only" evening we still had a great night.

I can't be certain, but I think Warren had a good time.


Chelle! said...

Oh, I went to the zoo a few weeks ago and I would have to admit that the bird show was my all time favorite.

Jodi said...

That video is priceless! (It looked better in real life though) We'll have to plan another trip and take Stacey's "member" family along...maybe we can catch the bird show again! It was a fun night!

AnneMarie said...

You almost make me want to go to the zoo! John was actually talking about it the other night which is weird because neither of us are huge fans. It sounds like we need to catch that bird show though.

Maleen said...

How fun. I almost opted for the membership this year, but then thought about dragging along a baby and decided next year would be better. I'm glad you had a good time. I have never seen the sneezing elephant...

buhlersdayoff said...

How fun!! Sorry it was soo crowded. Am I a terrible mom for never taking B to the zoo yet? Maybe this summer sometime?

Anonymous said...

finally, a day to lurk on the blogs I haven't been able to get to.

we lived in logan and that little zoo was fun!

and sorry about the insurance stuff :( totally stinks! :( but glad you were able to find something.

love the pictures and all your blogging

Stacy said...

Zoo passes for you...Lagoon passes for us. But if you know my dad (and I know you do), the Zoo will never compete with Lagoon and I would never hear the end of it if we decided to get Zoo passes instead of Lagoon.
But Lagoon is equally crowded