Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The punch line

We hear a lot of jokes around here. Sean is the master joke teller and always appreciates a good joke. Last night after family night, we found some jokes in the Friend magazine (July 2008). Warren decided he would give joke telling a try, so after Darin had told him a few jokes, Warren tried them out on me. He had a couple of successful attempts: (Darin had already shared all these jokes with me, so I did my best to pretend I didn't know)

Warren: What kind of flower roars?
Me: Um, a roaring flower?
Warren: A Dandelion!

Warren: What does the sun drink from?
Me: I don't know, what?
Warren: Sunglasses!

He was feeling pretty good about his perfectly delivered jokes, so he tried his hand at another one. This one proved to be a little more tricky. Here's how the joke is supposed to go. What did the pig put on his sunburn? OINKMENT! Here's Warren's attempt.

Warren: What did the pig put on his sunburn?
Me: Aloe Vera?
Warren: Pig Oink!

We were all laughing pretty hard, including Warren. He asked, "What was it again?" Then we replied "Oinkment", and explained why it was funny.

This morning, Warren found the magazine on the couch and decided to try again:

Warren: What did the pig put on his sunburn?
Me: I don't know, what?
Warren: Pigment! DANG! What is it again?
Me: Oinkment

Attempt #3
Warren: What did the pig put on his sunburn?
Me: Um...I don't know
Warren: OINKment! Finally!


Jodi said...

Funny kid - sounds like he's taking after his big brother! I am going to tell my kids the one about the "oinkment"!

Jodi said...

So cute! I love that he kept trying over and over!

Sarah said...

Ha ha! That's hilarious! I almost laughed really loud while at work...but luckily did not seeing as I would get skeptical looks from about twenty people sitting nearby.

Jessie Nielsen said...

How cute is that?!? I cant believe how big your kids have gotten! I need to come vist you sometime...

Stacy said...

What gets really crazy is when they start making up their "own" jokes that really have no punchline at all and you have to pretend to laugh.
I loved your "kinked neck" post, it is sometimes in those quiet (often uncomfortable) moments that we realize how much we really have to be grateful for. Thanks for reminding me :)