Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monkey Boy

Our little boy (David) loves snacks. He is also part monkey. So if his pleas for snacks go un-heeded, he simply helps himself. The first time he did this he yelled, "Mom, can you get me down?" He is capable of climbing down himself, but doing so while holding a treat in one hand can be tricky. The second time he did this I took a picture, and now we keep the pantry locked!


Maleen said...

Oh, I know this one. All you have to do is pile so much stuff in front of the shelves, that they can't get to them to climb. At least it has worked in my house. Your pantry probably is a lot cleaner than mine.

AnneMarie said...

At least he's industrious:) Hope you're feeling well. Do you need anything?

Carrie said...

I totally understand I have a monkey too! Actually two of them Bright thinks the kitchen table is his domain and Xander would live in trees if he could.
How did your surgery go?

megan said...

"Spider man spider man does what ever a spider can"
Too funny. Your pantry is way cleaner than mine. Sorry I missed brunch the other week. I hope everyone had a good time. I also have to apologize for not putting something together when I said I would I am such a flake!
YOU HAD SURGERY! I am thinking about you. Hope you are okay

Emilie said...

After thinking how cute your little monkey is I noticed that your pantry is much cleaner than mine!

Jodi said...

I love his guts!

Becky said...

That's awesome. Too bad for him that he couldn't figure out the getting down part. Then, he would have gotten away with it.

Anonymous said...

I love boys b/c of this, but mine is a lot bigger and did that with those exact shelves and ripped them out of the wall.... :(

but he looks cute up there, don't hate me LOL