Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"I need" and other David-isms

I know I just did a post about David, but there are some David-isms I need to write about before I forget.

-He is very in touch with his feminine side. He doesn't mind dressing up, and he even has a doll. It is one of Olivia's old dolls, and he re-named her Tasha (hopefully not after the demon cat). Pictured below is David after (one of the many times) Olivia and Lily dressed him up (this time Lily did the dressing up and Liv was the photographer). He will sit still through manicures, pedicures, and hairstyles. While I was getting ready to paint my toenails one day he came in and said, "Mom, can you paint my nails?"

- He doesn't want anything, but he "needs" lots of things. "I need a hold you" "I need a treat" "I need my silky" "I need a watch a movie". I finally figured out that it is because when he is sad I say, "What do you need, buddy?"
- One day Darin was eating a jolly rancher, and David said, "Wha have?" Darin said, "Nada". to which David replied, "I need a nada". He now thinks all sucky candies are called "nada".
-He calls flip flops "foot lops"
- He calls jammies "jazzeem"
-He asks me to "bowl" his food when it's too hot "Mom, bowl it."
-Here is a recent conversation about eyebrows:
David (while touching my eyebrows): Mom, you got eyebrows?
Me: Yes. I have eyebrows.
David: It's kinda like hair.
-His favorite ways to say "I love you"(that I may have forced on him because he sounds so stinking cute when he says them): I love you so much, I love your guts, and I love you to the moon and back!


AnneMarie said...

OK, I might have to steal him! I love it when they start saying real things, but can't really say them, it is so stinkin' cute!

Rynell said...

What a cutie! I just love the funny things kids say at this stage. I never want to correct them because it is so darn cute.

Melanie said...

Too cute! You have the most adorable kids. :)

Alec calls flip-flops, "flip-flogs".

Jodi said...

He is a funny boy - I expecially love the "foot lops" and the " I need" (my kids did that too!) and I love the way he talks to me on the phone - I love his guts~! Such a cute kid!

Stacy said...

He is so cute, he talks really well for his age. Our Olivia (Julene's daughter) is just the same age as him as she still blathers on incoherently. I love the bowl one or "nada", kids pick up on the cutest things.

Jodi said...

Oh I giggled through this whole post. I seriously love the things these little guys say. You have to write them all down so you will never forget them!

Ker said...

The best is "kewee lova!" I love my david lova!

Carrie said...

Ahh he is so sweet! Thanks for sharing him with us! Hope your doing well.