Thursday, July 17, 2008

Girls Camp (a little late)

One benefit of Darin serving in the bishopric is the opportunity to spend an evening at Girls Camp.

Bishop wanted to bring ice cream for dessert so we stopped at the grocery store at the bottom of the hill. It was slow moving up to the campground because of this little group:

We finally made it up to the campsite and had a yummy dinner of soup and rolls. At this point Bishop went over to where he had left the ice cream (in a snow bank to keep cold). He came back laughing and told us all to come. This is what we saw:
Someone had run over the ice cream with their car and some little critter decided to get in on the action. Here is Bishop holding his well intentioned dessert:
It was a great night, and we heard all about the adventures of our girls. Highlights included sledding with garbage sacks, prayers being answered for a girl from another camp (she had seisures and had to be flown out in a helicopter), and lots of laughing. Here they are in all their winter gear. It was FREEZING that week--what troopers!


Chelle! said...

Oh, I recognize the sheep and the cabins. Last week was our adventure at Mia Shalom. We heard of the lifeflight experience. We had an ambulance incident and 2 nurses rushing to the emergency room to deliver a girl not breathing. It was tremendously HOT--so ice cream would have been fun!!

Carrie said...

Girls Camp is always an adventure!
I have so many great memories of camp, oh how I love it! Thanks for sharing the pics,it was fun to see the bishop. He has been in for awhile huh?

Maleen said...

I am sure you could have salvaged some of the ice cream, right? Something about more protein once an animal has walked through it...

Anonymous said...

I love Girls camp, our oldest went for her first year in June. LOVED it! but they weren't camping :::eyeroll::: they had cabins and bathrooms, and well, it's not camping! LOL

I did't know D was in the bishopric. Cool! Have fun!


Stacy said...

It is crazy to read a post about snow when it is so DANG HOT outside!

Jodi said...

Poor Bishop and his dessert! Pretty funny though!

AnneMarie said...

Oh!! I hope there was a replacement dessert! So funny!

denise @ little ant design said...

These pictures crack me up.

Love the ice cream story. Was there a "plan b" dessert?

Doug and Becca said...

Oh that's funny. It was a nice thought though. First the sheep and then the ice cream. it can't get any better than that huh? Good memories