Monday, December 3, 2007

It snowed!

And we LOVED it!

All of us except David. He was not such a fan of the snow. Maybe next time. (And for the record, we did have gloves for him, and he wore them most of the time. When he had had enough, he pulled them off and threw them in the snow, and spent the rest of the time cuddled up with Darin where his hands stayed nice and warm)


Anonymous said...


love the pix of you kiddos!!

stay warm and I hope you guys get a LOT of snow :)

Ker said...

I too hope that we get lots of snow! I love the photos! We will definately have to get the crew together and go sledding. I cant wait to go!

Maleen said...

Did you sled at your house? I really should get my act together. I am the most boring mom when it snows. The kids sit around wondering out loud if they will ever get to build a snowman, and I sit there and say, "Yeah, probably next time it snows." My poor children.

Jodi said...

I remember being beside myself as a kid when I would look out the window and see fresh snow. Way to go getting out there with them and romping around! I am not a fan of the snow, but I am sure I will become one once Callie is old enough to enjoy it!

Pike's Place said...

You know, I heard about the snow, but I hadn't seen pictures, yet. Now I'm feeling totally homesick! Vegas definitely doesn't have the snowy winters. Thanks for sharing the cute pictures. I think I'll need to take a trip to Utah now. My kids would love it!

Jodi said...

I know! We loved it too! My kids went out in the snow, came in the house and had hot chocolate and then went right back out in the snow. Our lawn had a few snow forts and a pretty lame snowman by the end of the day! (I say lame because it was just Coleman making it - the other kids were having a snowball fight!)