Monday, November 12, 2007

Tag X 3

A while back Camille encouraged me to write about a current struggle, Maleen encouraged her readers to write about things we're thankful for, and now Stacey has tagged me to write 6 interesting facts about me. So, since I have been wondering what to blog about, this gives me the perfect opportunity to fulfill my "tags", and give you something new to read!

1) I can't eat oatmeal without gagging. I've tried many times because it smells so good and is so good for you, but I can't get it down. I love oatmeal cookies and granola bars with oatmeal, but not oatmeal. It's a texture thing.

2) When I was little I was mistaken for a boy more times than I can count. When I told my friend, Julie this, she said, "I'm sure you're exaggerating". Then I pulled out my pictures, and she proceeded to laugh hysterically.

3) I love my house. I love everything about it. I love the cul-de-sac, the neighbors, the friends, the house plan, the constant ringing of the doorbell asking if my kids can play, the yard, and most importantly, the people who live in it. I used to complain incessantly that it didn't have enough storage space, that the train was too close, that little kids were constantly ringing the doorbell, that everyone moves out of our neighboorhood to bigger and better houses, etc. Then I watched a clip from the Humanitarian center, and realized how incredibly blessed that I have a roof over my head, I have the opportunity to meet lots of new people, I never have to wonder where the next meal is coming from, my kids have clothes, friends, an education, and so on and so on. I have nothing against people who move. In fact, I will be one of those people one day. I'm happy for people who are able to "move on up", but for right now, this is the perfect place for us.

4) It bugs me a lot (too much) when people don't like me. I hate confrontation, and am learning how to stand up for myself without offending people. I hate to hurt people's feelings, and it bugs me when I can't fix a problem. I am trying to learn to live my life the best that I know how, and not worry so much about what people think about me. The thing that frustrates me the most is that I say things to my kids and sometimes speak to them in a tone of voice that I would never dream of using with anyone else. Guilt is my worst enemy.

5) I love the mountains. I have taken them for granted, as I have lived here my whole life. My brother moved back here from Las Vegas for a brief time, and was constantly looking at the mountains, and enjoying their beauty. I love how they change with the seasons, they help me know where I'm going (a lot of times I can tell which direction I'm going because of the mountains), and they make me feel safe.

6) I have never seen E.T.


Ker said...

Oatmeal? Really? WOW! I dont love it either unless it is doused good with brown sugar! I love hearing facts about people. So glad that I know you and that you are my dear friend.

Maleen said...

E.T.? You aren't missing too much there I think. But Oatmeal...that's too bad (as I sit here eating Oatmeal Teddy Grahams). I really like the Fruit and Cream variety. Thanks for sharing more info about yourself. And I have never thought you look like a boy, ever!

Wright Family said...

Thanks for sharing. I had really short hair growing up too. I always get called Karl. It actually just happened the last time you watched my kids. At my dad's retirement party the host introduced me has Karl. Well I'm glad your my friend and that you shared some new things with all of your blog followers.

Anonymous said...

Deanne, all I think is how could someone NOT like you? You are one of the most amazing people I know and I love how you are so funny and fun to be around and so caring and sweet and so smart! Really you are awesome and I am glad I am your friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the tag D.. you are amazing. I agree with the other posters here!! I don't know you as well as they do, but you and Darrin are the two friendliest people I have met ( from my hubby's list of HS friends) You saved me that night at Garys :::sheepish:::: lOL

loved learning things like that about you. I will never be able to eat my oatmeal again w/o thinking of you :) LOL