Wednesday, July 11, 2007

SO Big!

David has decided it's time to feed himself. Now that he has discovered that he can do it on his own, we have a hard time convincing him that he could use some help now and then! He has a minimum of one bath a day, and several quick splashes in the sink to keep him somewhat presentable. (By the way, we do usually put a bib on him!)
So...while he was finishing off his yogurt, he saw Olivia eating an oreo, and wanted one. He grabbed it, and the first thing he did was pull it apart and lick the middle! I looked to see if he was copying Olivia, but she's a dunker, not a licker. Is it inborn??? Because he also has the ability to decipher the marshmallows from the cereal part of Lucky Charms.


Anonymous said...

So glad you decided to say hi. Your family is also darling. Luckily for us we are making it up to the family reunion so I'll look forward to meeting you in person. Come visit our site again as we will yours. There are links on our site to Jared and Renee, Carlye and Tessa if you're interested! See you soon.

Ker said...

OK- can I just say-"I love baby David!" He looks like a little boy now-where is the baby?! I'm a dunker too!

Jodi said...

great pictures...cute boy! We love baby David!

Kellie said...

I'm laughing at the oreo cookie bit because yesterday Brent sat at the table and started eating an oreo and was like what am I eating! Apparantly Daniel took apart 4 different cookies, ate the cream and the proceeded to put the "licked" cookies back in the package! If you know anything about Brent you know that this did not go over very well... LOL!!!

A Lil'of Jewel said...

Deanne...I loved your stories, expieriences and thoughts. I am happy that you are comfortable enough to share them so as to help us realize that we are all in the same boat. I have always have an amazing, gorgeous family!!!!