Monday, July 30, 2007

I know, I know

I've been a horrible blogger lately, and I've missed it terribly. We've had a crazy couple of weeks around here. I have a LOT to catch up on; a visit to Girl's Camp, a boating adventure, two birthdays in two days, a family picnic, homemade ice cream...after all these adventures, late nights and early mornings, my body decided it had had enough, and it let me know. I flared up for the first time in months, and my mouth exploded with cold sores. Now I have the privilege of catching up; on housework, on sleep, and last of all (sadly), the blog. Luckily I got TAGGED, and it was just the inspiration I needed to get back on the bandwagon! So, here I go!

4 jobs I've held:
1. Wendy's
2. JV Indian Originals (jewelry kiosk in the mall)
3. Nanny in Belgium
4. Teller & New Accounts at Far West Bank

4 Movies I could watch over and over:
1. HAIRSPRAY!!! (love it)
2. Pride and Prejudice (the long one-I haven't seen the newer one yet)
3. Anne of Green Gables series
4. Elf

4 smells I love: (OK, I totally changed this one. The original one was " 4 places I've lived", and since I've not lived a lot of places, I'm including the smell one because I'm always curious what people love to smell, so feel free to change it back if you get tagged!)
1. Bread baking
2. freshly cut grass
3. my deodorant (Secret velvet powder)
4. gasoline

4 TV shows I enjoy:
1. The Biggest Loser (Can't wait for the season premiere next month)
2. The Office
3. America's Got Talent (my friend is on it right now; Go Duttons!)
4. Sesame Street

4 places I've been on vacation:
1. Canada
2. California
3. Las Vegas
4. Paris (when I was a nanny in Belgium I took a little day trip to Paris; It wasn't a long trip, but I'm counting it!)

4 favorite restaurants:
1. Carraba's
2. Costa Vida
3. Winger's
4. Shoots

4 websites I visit daily:
1. Hotmail
2. Gmail
3. Blogs
4. online banking (not quite daily)

4 places I'd rather be right now:
1. Getting a massage
2. In a hammock under some shade trees
3. on a boat
4. Disneyland

4 people I'm challenging to do this:
1. Kelly R.
2. Karla
3. Jodi W.
4. Megan

It's good to be back, and I will update very soon (at least sooner than 2 weeks!).


buhlersdayoff said...

I love your answers and thanks for the compliment about camp!! You are hilarious don't worry I will pay you later!!

Maleen said...

It's good to have to back. I can't wait for further blogs. And Elf...seriously? You crack me up. Maybe I should get tagged someday, it would make me think.

Jodi said...

I am so glad that you are back. I have been missing your blog. Thanks for answering my "tag". And I love that you worked at Wendy's. That's awesome!

Todd said...

missed ya glad you are back. I am up for the challange. I will give it some thought and post it soon.

Deanne said...

Maleen- Our little family has watched Elf for the last two Christmas Eves. It's a tradition thing. Some people watch "It's a Wonderful Life" (which I am ashamed to admit I've still never seen, even though I own it), but we choose to watch a silly movie like Elf.

Maleen said...

Well it is good to have the silly. My family always watched some version of the Christmas Carol and I am quite sick of it. I'll have to come up with my own Christmas Eve idea.

Karla said...

Deanne, I was surprised by two things...First: I can't believe you like the smell of gas! That is probably one of the worst smells in the world! Second: I was surprised to see my name on the tag list (unless you know someone else named Karla). How do you know that I even look at your blog ;). Okay, I'll do it...

Also, I think we worked at JV Indian Originals together. Weren't we both hired on for Christmas help and then you continued to work there? Correct me if I'm wrong...but I think I'm right.

Okay, you lived in Belgium as a nanny? When? For how long? That is so cool!