Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's a...

It's true.  Baby Moses #6 is on the way!  I am due at the end of June.  I wanted to keep it on the down low until I felt like things were going well before we made our announcement.  I know there are never any guarantees, but after I had heard the heartbeat twice (and when my belly began making the announcement for me) it was time to spread the news!

On Christmas morning each of the kids had a small package that contained a few puzzle pieces.  They put the puzzle together, and on the back was a message from the baby.  It was a poem that said...

"I just wanted you to know that we have the same mother.
I'm your baby sister or brother!
I can't wait to meet you very soon
I'm due to arrive at the end of June"
Love, Baby Moses

I know it's not poetic genius, but I wrote it after midnight on Christmas Eve and I just wanted it to rhyme and get the point across.  The kids were very excited!

Darin's nephew is an ultrasound tech and fit me in for a sneak peek this afternoon (it's so nice to "know a guy").  Thankfully baby cooperated!

To announce the gender to the kids, I gave each of the children a black balloon filled with helium and a teeny tiny bottle in the gender color (blue for boy, pink for girl).  I had the bunch of balloons on the table while we were waiting for all the kids.  The heat from the lights popped one of the balloons, but thankfully I was able to find the bottle and cover it up before any of the kids saw it.  (Briggy and Liv shared a balloon)


(I love their faces in this photo!)

It's a.........

My thoughts...I am so grateful for this little guy to be in our family.  I know it's not a mistake that he's a boy. 
When I was wandering around the store thinking of ideas to announce the gender I walked by the shoe section and saw little glittery ruby slippers.  I teared up.  And then I wondered why.  I am really not disappointed that we're having a boy.  I am so grateful for each of my children and I would never trade any of them for the other gender.  Their personalities are so diverse, and I know that this new little guy will be just as unique and special to us.  I think the tears came because I know that my kids all wanted a little sister and I was worried that they would be disappointed.  It is no secret that Liv has wanted a sister for a VERY long time.  I was very surprised that all of my boys said that they wanted a baby sister, too.  That's a lot of pressure.  We are fairly confident that this baby will complete our family, and I guess it just felt so final...a baby sister will be an unfulfilled desire for my kids.  I know without a doubt that this little one will be loved A LOT (he already is).  I don't want people to be disappointed for us because we really are very excited (and he's a cutie.  I can tell from the ultrasound photos)!

I was so proud of my kids.  There were smiles all around and no tears.  I pulled Liv aside and asked how she was doing.  She didn't even have a hint of sadness.  She said, "I really don't care what it is.  I'm just excited that we're having another baby." 

Half a dozen offspring.  I hope we're up to the challenge!


Adrianne Miller said...

I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Oh my gosh, you make PERFECT little boys so another one is great!
Tell Olivia that I always wanted a sister and never got one and now that I have lots of sister in laws, I got my sisters.

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you guys! I think you are poetic especially finding out you wrote that after midnight. What a neat family you have. I don't know how you do it. Taking care of my three kids wears me out! So exciting! Congratulations!!

Scott and Svetlana said...

Aaaa, SO happy for you and your family! He is definitely will be loved!!! Congratulations!

Maleen said...

I was seriously on the edge of my seat with those balloons. What a fun idea.

I tell myself that the children we are supposed to have come to us, so I don't doubt about having one gender.

Doesn't make it perfect for our mortal emotions though. :)

I am so excited for your baby and your family. Half a are totally up to it!

Becky said...

Congratulations! Every baby is a blessing and it doesn't really matter whether they are a boy or a girl, they are always the perfect addition to the family. With six kids, I think it will be safe to say that you have a gaggle of children.

Jodi said...

YAE!! Everyone at my house is excited!!

Christy said...

Congratulations you guys!! Having 5 brothers & no sisters myself, my heart goes out to Olivia. But I do get have 4 great sister-in-laws!!

Marie said...

Congratulations! Apparently you are good at raising good boys 'cuz the Lord keeps giving them to you :)

Rynell said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you. Your babies are adorable.You are such an awesome mother to them.