Monday, June 25, 2007

Pet Peeves

The other night we were on our way home and had to stop for a late night grocery run. I stayed in the car while Darin ran in. Since the kids were half asleep I had a few quiet moments, and instead of pondering the meaning of life or how I could improve as an individual, my train of thought somehow landed on "pet peeves". I wondered where this phrase came from. This has stayed in the back of my mind for a few days, so this morning I finally went to wikipedia to find out. Here's what I learned (from A pet peeve (or pet hate) is a minor annoyance that can instill extreme frustration in an individual. Typically each person has several pet peeves that aggravate her or him more than the average person. Another person may not react as negatively or at all to the same circumstance.
The term originated from the word 'peeve.' A 'peeve,' meaning something that is particularly irritating or annoying, is a relatively recent word. Its first printed usage was in 1911. The term is a back formation from a 14th-century word: 'peevish,' meaning ornery or ill-tempered.The "pet" part indicates, semi-ironically, an attachment to the peeve. Something you "love to hate". It also indicates that it is a specific peeve of that person, and probably not universal.
So there you have it. I wanted to share with you one of my pet peeves, and two of Darin's (because they're a tie I have to include both). My pet peeve is being tapped or poked repeatedly to get my attention. Luckily my kids all know this now, so it doesn't happen very often. It used to be worse when they weren't aware that it bothered me because it was accompanied by ,"mom,mom,mom,mom,mom,mom". Darin's are as follows: 1) people not using their turn signals when they turn, and 2) people not returning their grocery carts. Now that I've shared I have two requests. Please don't use this information against me! I have visions of people now poking me repeatedly to get my attention! (maybe this was a mistake). The second thing I have to ask is...will you please share your pet peeve with me? I would love to hear (just because I'm curious), and it will be a lot of fun, I'm sure! I promise not to use them against you.


buhlersdayoff said...

I would have to say that we have quite a few "pet peeves" but my no.1 would be...when people sniff up a ton of snot and you can hear it going all the way up. I understand that there are times when you don't have/can't use a kleenex but it drives me crazy. I think that Mike's would be when people tell him that he is going to do something as opposed as asking him to do something. If you tell him to do it, he probably won't. Not that I would know from experience or anything?!?
I love your pet peeves though it is funny to actually hear others!!

buhlersdayoff said...
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Ker said...

OK I am laughing at you DEAN!!! I promise I wont poke you! For me my biggest pet peave is being late! I hate being late and I hate it when people are late. Its like nails on the chalk board for me-it just grates my nerves. I also really hate being lied too, and I hate being stuck behind slow poke drivers! GRRRRrrrrrr-hmmm maybe I better slow down.
I dont know know what Steve's is, but I am with Sarah on the nose thing. ONLY I hate the loud obnoxious blowing in public. GROSS!

Jodi said...

My #1 pet peeve is bad I'm sure some people think that I'm a bad driver (i.e. my husband)but it drives (no pun intended) me crazy when people go slower than the speed limit or when they are oblivious to what is going on around them and they stay in the "fast lane" going 55! ARGH!

Deanne said...

Just in case any of you are confused, there are two Jodis. Jodi my friend, and Jodi my sister (who is also my friend).

Natalie said...

I too have several pet peeves. I have to say a big pet peeve of mine right now is when the neighborhood kids come over to play and they constantly say things like "I'm hungry" and "Can I have another snack?" or they open the door to my pantry and say "MMM...those chips look really good". Do you get that? I don't mind giving out snacks and food but sometimes it feels like that's all I'm doing all day!
Another pet peeve of mine is being a tattletale . My son is famous for that right now and it drives me nuts.
Can you tell I'm ready for a break from the kids?

Anonymous said...

To avoid any further confusion, from now on I will post as Jodi W. or sister/friend or maybe even Shot & Reeva. Which do you prefer?

Jodi said...

Thanks for clearing up the Jodi thing! Dave's pet peeve is drivers camping in the fast lane. He always emphasizes that it is a passing lane not a traveling lane when we are in the car.
I on the other hand have numerous pet peeves (I know that is shocking to those of you who know me)! But right now my biggest one is people who live in Utah and call the rest of the world "the mission field"! It drives me crazy. It just seems so condescending!

Anonymous said...

Deanne.. that is so funny!!! I have about 5 severe pet peeves, does that make me an angry person????

smacking, the same one you have of the poking... I won't go on.. I am glad you found this place... join mine too

Kellie said...

oh that's funny have you ever seen or heard of the comedian Brian Regan? So funny because he pokes fun at all these things! He calls it "oh sorry we all forgot that this is your planet! the world is revolving around you!" I think it would pretty much summerize a pet peeve. The way people act when they are not aware of the other people or things around them... Funny Mine is definatly rechargeable batteries... why can't they last longer? Lol!