Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Shoes

I had forgotten how a new pair of shoes could cause so much joy to one's soul. Sean reminded me. Darin took Olivia and Sean shoe shopping, and while Olivia was very pleased with her purchase, nothing could match the excitement displayed by Sean for his new shoes. He came home and announced that he had already made it around the entire cul-de-sac in 24 seconds. As he came inside he was running from one side of the house to the other...getting snacks, finding books, and sometimes just running for the sake of running. He turns to me and says, "I don't know why I love running so much in these new shoes. It's almost like they control me." As bedtime approached, his shoes decided they wanted to stay on, so he slept in them. The next day he made trips to several of the neighbors' houses to show them how fast he could run in his new shoes, and we even needed to take a special trip to Grandma and Grandpa's to demonstrate the power of the shoes. I shirked a little bit as a parent, though. The day after the new shoes were part of the family, Darin's sister came over to pick up her computer. She was in the house for less than a minute, and after she left Sean asked, "Why didn't you tell her about my new shoes?" I tried to take pictures that would do the shoes justice. Please take note of the puffy basketballs on the tongue of the shoes AND on the bottom (both of those contribute to the fast-ness of the shoes). Most of all, I want a little boy (and his mom) to remember how incredibly overjoyed he was for a simple purchase...something that seems to fade as years are added.

I tried to get Sean to pose for a photo, but it simply was not going to happen. These shoes need to RUN!


Beth said...

The magic of being a kid! I love that he was offended that you didn't spread the news far and wide about his fantastic new shoes! :) What a great story to hold on to and share at just right the moment! I am sure he will get a kick out it later!

Kayla said...

How fun that he was so excited about his shoes. I remember when Russell and Jessie used to get so excited about little things like that and as the big sister, I used to think it was crazy. It is cute though and makes for a great story!

Emilie said...

That was a great story, it made me laugh! Seriously, it was great. I will have to tell Skyler, I am sure he would love to talk to Sean about them!

Adrianne Miller said...

Go Dash Go!

Wright Family said...

That's awesome. The first pair of shoes I got Seth. There was this little weird looking guy on them. He would tell everyone it was his Uncle Parker is really good basketball player.

AnneMarie said...

So cute! I'm glad Sean found just the right pair!

Jodi said...

Those shoes are awesome...I've seen how fast they go! I wish shoe shopping was as pleasant for me!

Maleen said...

I don't get to see much of the speed. My girls are more interested in the appearance. June picked out shoes last time that were a bit too big, but they do have princesses on them. Needless to say, she can't run fast because they fall off all the time. But they look good.
I'm glad Sean is more practical, and super fast!!

Chelle! said...

Oh, how adorable. That story is too great!!! Those shoes are amazing and FAST!!! .

Anonymous said...

well I understand why they can't just lie there, they are some GOOD looking shoes!

very cute blog!

love it!

Jodi said...

That is the funniest thing ever! I love your writing and stories Deanne. They make my day. I think I need a pair of those shoes- maybe I would get more done!

Rynell said...

That is awesome! New shoes are groovy!