Monday, May 12, 2008

Golden Years

My parents recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary (WOW!), and to celebrate we had a family par-tay with a Hawaiian theme. We wanted it to be a surprise, so I invited them to our house for a birthday party for David (we had already celebrated the night before). When they were on their way I told them theat I had been cleaning my oven and my house still smelled smoky so we were going to let the kids run around the gym of the church. When they came in we greeted them with a big ALOHA and gave them their shirts. We had Hawaiian haystacks, fruit kabobs, rolls, and lots of yummy desserts. The gym was all decked out in cheesy Hawaiian decorations (thanks to Dollar Tree). After dinner each child gave a short memory or presentation, then we watched a DVD put together by Jodi. It was great to be together celebrating this momentous occasion. My parents are such wonderful examples to me and to all of their posterity. I think the highlight of the evening was when we turned some time over to them to give a little speech. I know that their advice will bring many people joy and peace in the future (if we listen!). 50 years of marriage is a huge accomplishment, and I am proud to belong to them!


Now...(Nine kids, 39 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren later)

Don't they look amazing? I hope to look as vibrant as they do when Darin and I celebrate our 50th!!!

Here is a portion of their posterity: (in order from oldest to youngest)
(For family history's sake, and also so you won't be confused, I will color code. My parents' children will be in bold, their spouses will be in red, grandkids in blue, spouses of grandkids in green, great-grandchildren in purple.)
Kramer, Max, Laura, Victoria, Sarah, Hunter
(not pictured: Tyler (married to Sarah), Spencer, Parker (on a mission in Ohio), Chandler

Jason, Janet, Mark
Not pictured: Justin, Jessica, Emma, Jared, Jordan

Tanner, Renae, Michelle, Josh

Kelsey, Rob, Camille, Eric, Kirsten

Oliver, Doug, Heidi, Taylor, Kaden
Bridger, Harrison, Avynlee
Brad, Jeff, Jodi, Rylee,
Kamryn, Lexi,
Not pictured: Devon, Heather, Sterling, Siri, Soren, Seth, Sawyer
Not pictured: Rich, Whitney, Ally, Erin, McKay

Darin, Deanne, David,
Warren, Olivia, Sean

The final musical number was the grandkids singing "Families Can Be Together Forever"
My mom's sister, Joanne, was also there, and was able to join in the fun!
After we had cleaned up, some spontaneous dancing broke out! (We had the Disney MOVE IT cd playing)

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! (And to us, too! Darin and I are privileged to share the special day with them, but they got all the attention this year since 50 years is kind of a big deal. It doesn't change the fact that I would say 'yes' all over again. Love you, hun!)


Stacy said...

That is so great that you guys surprised them like that. It's amazing at those types of celebrations to see how many wonderful families and children come from the union of two good people. And Happy Anniversary to you and Darin!

Cindy B said...

Wow, that is really an accomplishment to be proud of! 50 years! I'm so impressed. And how thoughtful of you to organize the party. With all the negative stuff out there, it's great to see reminders of the importance of marriage and family.

Adrianne Miller said...

What a fun idea! I saw all the hawaiian stuff at Dollar Tree yesteray and for a split second considered having my husbands graduation party be hawaiian themed.
Can you believe we are having our 6month anniversary on friday? That is amazing to make it to 50 years!

AnneMarie said...

Happy Anniversary! And how fun does that party look! Your family is awesome. I did miss seeing pictures of Devon & Heather & their kids and also Rich & his family (he has 3 kids now!)

Pike's Place said...

Thanks for posting those pictures! I haven't seen your family in so long . . . they look so great! Happy Anniversary Darin and DeAnne and Aunt Berta and Uncle Larry!

Tiffany said...

Wow, what a great accomplishment and what a great family! Love you Dean, Tiff

Karla said...

Congratulations to your parents! So awesome. What a beautiful family!

How is Rich doing? I wish he was at the party so I could take a "peek" at him and his family. :)

Anonymous said...

that is amazing! what a fun party too.

beautiful family.. all generations

Maleen said...

It looks like it turned out terrific. 50 years is amazing! And I haven't seen a lot of your family so the pictures were really fun. Good job and happy anniversary to you guys too.

buhlersdayoff said...

what a cute family...I love big families my mom has 8 siblings and they have each had a lot of kids so it is really fun to get together.

STL Crew said...

I swear your parents haven't aged at all since we were in elementary school!!! Where did they find that long, sought-after fountain of youth?! Congratulations! What a great family!

Wright Family said...

50 years of marriage looks good on your parents. What a fun party you had for them.

Jodi said...

The party was great Dean...thanks for putting it all together! It was a fun night for everyone!

Doug and Becca said...

I love seeing the picture of them when they were married. They look so cute. What a fun party! You'll have to tell them Hi for me and congrats on 50 years of marriage. That's really great

Kellie said...

Yeah! good job! Where was I? I kept thinking this was later in the month! You definitly pulled it off very well! I have seen you most day s this week and you haven't seemed even a tiny bit stressed! I'm glad it went so well and good job with the surprise?! I've been thinking do you hire out miss party planner?!

Jodi said...

That looked so fun! I have to say that even though you had impeccable color coding- I was still confused! There were so many people there!

Jamee said...

Holy Cow- it's amazing what two people can accomplish!