Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I had no idea how much I would miss having a cordless phone. Ours went caput a few weeks ago, and we've been using a phone with one of these:

I really didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but every time the phone rings now I groan. I used to accomplish so much while on the phone, and now I just stand in the kitchen while I talk, and look around at all the things I could be doing. I do try to do the dishes because it's the one chore I can do within the phone's reach, but I always worry that the cord will get in the water, and more than once I've pulled the phone off the counter while I was trying to reach a cupboard. This is definitely a case of "you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone". On the bright side, I've lost 5 pounds because of the extra running to get the phone! Maybe I won't get rid of it after all.

Totally kidding, of course (about the weight loss). I'm getting a cordless tomorrow.


Chelle! said...

I was laughing so hard when I read your blog. One time, our power went out and was out for quite sometime. I had not charged my cell phone, so I went to use my one of the cordless phones. Everyone that I checked would not work. So, I thought that the phone lines were down to. It wasn't until my Mom asked me if I had a regular phone in the home and that is when I realized what that cordless phones run on electricity!

buhlersdayoff said...

I am so proud of you for losing 5 lbs for chasing the phone that must mean that you are popular and the phone is ringing a lot because you are so skinny already!!

Stacy said...

Deanne you make me laugh and your comments on my blog are great too. I can't relate with the phone thing because we have been using just cell phones for ages. I can relate, however, to your Sunday post as David is gone all morning too and I swear 1:00 church comes way too fast. This isn't helped by the fact that David thinks ten minutes early is on time and I think five minutes late is on time :)

Katie said...

That is so funny. I have been using cell phones for so long that I don't know what I would do with a house phone. I'm so used to my phone being in my pocket with me all the time...My parents both have cell phones and cordless phones at home and whenever we call them at home, they don't answer, so we call their cell phones and they answer. When we ask where they are or what they are doing, they explain that they just didn't want to have to find the cordless house phone. So they just let it ring!

Jodi said...

Corded phones are from the "dark ages"...but they sure are great when you can't find the cordless. If you're losing that much weight, maybe I should switch all of my phones to corded!!!:)

Jodi said...

I am totally going to call you a ton tomorrow morning before you can get a cordless!

Maleen said...

I still have one corded phone, but I have like a twenty foot cord so that I can still walk around almost my entire downstairs. I too don't like to be tied down, but I can't tell you how many things I've knocked off as I walk around with that cord. And the connection is funny now, so I can't hear people half the time. It is definitely time for a new phone around here too. Good luck getting your cordless.

Ellery said...

Hey I am so glad you found me! It's been a long time! Funny how blogging keeps people in touch! I just got back into town and saw your comment! I had to make my blog private for a couple days..someone was putting my photos on a website. But check back soon. That is funny you saw me on GTU. I told Maria Miner to watch me...she thought I was going to be in the audience. Funny surprise.
Good to hear from you!

Becky said...

Wow, corded phones are really lame. Matt and I don't even have a land line. We are completely wireless.