Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Ok, so there's been a lot of hype lately about going green. I have been slow to get on the bandwagon, but in honor of Earth Day, I have made a couple of small changes. First, I bought some of those re-usable bags, which I have yet to use. I asked the lady at the check-out if I could buy those first so I could put my groceries in them. She huffed and puffed (but didn't blow the house down) and commented how she "hated them things", so I ended up using the plastic ones again. I also called the city and signed up for Recycling service. I was surprised that it only costs $3 a month, and the lady said that most people find that the majority of their trash goes in the recycle bin. This conversation ended up being quite disheartening. The woman who helped me asked if it was a multiple residence. I told her that it wasn't, and she said, "Hmm." Then she proceded to tell me that we have been charged for two trash cans the ENTIRE time we've lived here (that's 10 years!!!!!!!). I have never noticed it on my statement, or I would have disputed it. She kindly took off the most she could (3 months worth), but doing the math made me sick. $10 a month for 10 years...that adds up to a big chunk of change. Learn from my bad example, and check your statements! I just hope the city has used our extra money wisely.

Another thing I have done for a long time is turning the water off while I brush my teeth; although that has more to do with the Barney song than being earth friendly. "While I"m brushing my teeth and having so much fun, I never let the water run, no, I never let the water run." That song literally goes through my mind every time I'm tempted to leave it running. I also turn off lights during the day and when we're not in that room. Next on my list is getting new lightbulbs.

So, those of you who use the re-usable bags, how is the best way to use them? Do I need to go to the self-check lanes? These changes are not huge, but I hope they will make a small difference. If you have other ideas, please share!


Jodi said...

Good for you - going green! I bought all new light bulbs last year...that was a good start but I'm afraid thats where it ended. I'll have to learn from your good example!

Wright Family said...

Thanks for going green and encouraging the rest of us as well. I so guilty of leaving the water running when I don't need to. I'm going to work on that thanks again.

AnneMarie said...

With my reuseable bags I go through the regular line, but I have put our last name on mine so they know for sure that I have already purchased them. A big part of "going green" is also the food we eat, buying local instead of flown and trucked in using oh so much gasoline. A really good book about this is In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. I'm reading it now and I keep saying to myself "Well, of course!" It has encouraged me to be better about the foods we eat.

Melanie said...

Going green certainly is all the rage. Jeremy wants to have solar panels on the house. Maybe if they weren't so expensive....

I've wondered how the reusable bags work too. Do you just hand them to the checker so she can put the groceries in them each time you go in? I'm so not with it..

Cindy B said...

Happy Earth Day! I don't use those reusable bags because I recycle my plastic bags. Bummer about the extra charges, but I think you'll like having the recycle bin. We find that it fills up before the trash does. It's amazing how much stuff recycles - cereal boxes, cans, aluminum foil, shampoo bottles - just tons of stuff. I like annemarie's tip about buying local. It's a lot easier to do in the summer with all the local produce in the stores.

AnneMarie said...

Buying local in the summer is a lot easier in the summer. Farmers markets are awesome too because often the food is also organic and inexpensive. I sometimes think that the grocery stores are trying to make a boat load of money on the organic produce in their stores!
Recycling plastic bags is awesome! Lots of grocery stores have recycle bins for their bags in the store. For a long time I would line my small trash cans with the plastic grocery bags and considered this recycling, but became more informed and realized they are ending up in a land fill and not decomposing, I'm now investigating other ways of handling gross garbage.
On the reuseable bags, take them through the store with you and hand them to the bagger when you go through the checkstand.

Stacy said...

Good show Deanne. I have thought about doing things for the environment, but I guess this is really one of those situations where it's definately not the thought that counts...

megan said...

About the bags. . . . I always forget them and by the time i get to the store I remember and don't want to go all the way home. The water tip is one I am going to do, Thanks for the tip.

Kellie said...

Wow!!! Good for you!!! That is all it costs for a recycling bin! I thought it was ten! I am definatly signing up today!!! We did the lightbulb thing... ok i shouldn't say we BRENT did the light thing and I HATE it for all vain reasons :D (It makes your walls look green :D) But hey at least we are using less energy :D
Hey also I have been thinking alot about yo uthe last few days and hope you know you are in my prayers frequently... Hope all goes well today...

Doug and Becca said...

Hmmm, that's interesting. Our garbage charge is $10/month. Maybe I should call them. What's it supposed to be? Way to go on going green. I need to do better for sure.

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

I love this Going Green, I'm so glad it's becoming so popular. I've made small changes, I need to do more. It's amazing all of the little things we can do to help.