Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brotherly Love

I was browsing through some photos and found this gem.  It must have been taken by one of the other kids.  It instantly made me smile. 

Warren loves his little brother so much.  Whenever he hears Brig wake up in the morning he runs in to get him, takes him downstairs and cuddles up with him while they watch cartoons.  The after school reunion is always joyous. 

I know all my kids love each other.  They don't always show it in ways that are ideal, but I know they love each other.  On Sunday Olivia was asked to come in to Jr. Primary to share with the little kids her thoughts about being a big sister.  She started out very animated and happy, but it didn't take long for the tears to come.  She said, "I get to help take care of my little brothers and play with them and show them how to do things.  (insert tears) Sometimes we fight, but I love them very much." It was so sweet and I needed to hear it because there are certainly moments (and days) when I really wonder. (She hates that she cries when she expresses emotion.  I apologize all the time for passing that on to her.)

I know that when my kids are grown they will be the best of friends.  I also love the little glimpses I get into that friendship right now. 


Becky said...

Ahhhh... that is great that they are such great friends even though they are kids. I didn't become friends with my siblings until we hit teenage years. It must just melt your heart to see how much your kids love each other.

Laura said...

It really is the best to see your kids love each other. It makes you feel like you did something right as a mother.

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

So sweet!

Carrie said...

Love your posts! I love hearing about your kids---they are precious!