Friday, February 5, 2010

This one's in a hurry...

to grow up.
I'm not sure there's any stopping him. The more he can do on his own, the happier he becomes. It always amazes me that each little person comes with a unique little personality. Here is our Brig at 7 months:

I love his eyebrows.
and his eyes.
and his nose.
and his mouth.
and his cheeks.
and his chin.
all of him really, but oh the eyebrows. They make me laugh. They are a little bit crazy and a lot bit expressive.
He got his first tooth just one day shy of 7 months. He is constantly feeling it with his tongue.
He decided he is big enough for stairs (thank goodness for a practice stair)
He has made it all the way up the big stairs (with supervision), but he has not yet mastered coming down. (He did make it all the way down once, too, but not in the way one would have hoped. He was not so much supervised for that one. We had the "Briggy knows how to crawl now so we can't leave him places" talk again so hopefully the next time he comes down the stairs it will be on purpose.)
He has also decided it's time to start pulling himself up with the aid of furniture. He used to get stuck standing up because he couldn't figure out how to get down, but he figured it out. Sometimes the landing is a little rough, but he doesn't stay stuck anymore.

He has also learned how to clap--even if it's still a little spastic, and he loves a good game of peek-a-boo. He has a contagious laugh and love to give (very slobbery) kisses complete with sound effects. We love this little guy. A lot. I often hear, "Can I hold that little boy?" from the kids. One trait he didn't come with so much was a love of sleep. I don't understand it one bit. What's not to love about sleep? We are figuring out how to instill that in him. In the meantime, he is worth the lack of sleep. And then some.


Ali the B. said...

he is so lovable & adorable....
what a fun little guy!!

btw,, if you want to peek....nothing fancy, just starting up again....

Maleen said...

He is so adorable. I don't know if I have ever really checked out his eyebrows, but they are awesome.

I am currently trying to remind myself that lack of sleep is just one of the chores of having children. I am sure that Pearl will come with no schedule at all. Gotta love newborns.

Scott and Svetlana said...

OMG! He is such a cutie! Those eyebrows are awesome! I like them :)
Oh, I can't wait till my baby starts sitting on his own but after that I don't wanna think about crawling... that's scars me...

Unknown said...

Where did the newborn baby go that I saw once? What a cute boy, but no surprise coming from you guys. It amazes me that they can be so mobile at that young age, since I've never experienced it with any of my own. I hope all is well with the house selling.

Jodi said...

Ooooh - he is so stinkin' cute! We love that little Briggy!!

Laura said...

He is one adorable little guy.

mreay said...

How cute is he?? Love the pictures :D

Rynell said...

What a cutie! I love this stage. I completely understand having helpers that need to be reminded of how to help. ;)

Fabulous eyebrows!