Friday, December 12, 2008

Our first emergency phone call from school

Here's how it went:

Teacher: Hi Deanne. We were at the rug reading a story and Sean was laughing, leaned forward and hit his head and now there's blood everywhere.

(He hit the top of his head on the corner of the metal part that hangs underneath the desk)

Me: Do you think it needs stitches?

Teacher: Possibly. There's really a lot of blood.

Me: I'll be right there.

I had just finished getting a massage and my massage therapist, who also happens to be my good friend, offered to keep David while I went. I called the Dr.'s office to prepare them that we were coming while I was heading to the school. As I entered the office, I saw a whole team of teachers and administrators hovering over Sean's head. At this point I had a real mommy moment. Sean was able to be brave until he saw me, then he started to cry. My heart melted, and I gave him a huge hug. The librarian was wearing plastic gloves and announced that she had finally found the source of the bleeding. Gratefully it was a puncture wound and sealed itself stitches (whew). His head looked like someone had poured red kool-aid on it. We called the Dr.'s office to tell them we weren't coming, then headed home with an ice pack. I told Sean we should go home and get the blood washed off and rest for a while. His response? "But can I just leave it on until my friends come home so they believe what happened to me?" (Don't you love the way a 7 year old's brain works?) I couldn't deny his request for evidence, so we left the blood untouched (luckily a lot of it had washed off with the preliminary dabbing by the librarian and the moisture from the ice pack). Unfortunately our camera battery was dead, so we have no photographic proof, but I'm sure it's vivid in Sean's memory. I'm so grateful he was o.k.


AnneMarie said...

Head wounds always bleed a ton. I'm so glad Sean is OK.

Cindy B said...

I'm glad it turned out all right. So scary!

Pike's Place said...

Not a fun call to get, but fortunately it seems that all is well. Hope he heals fast! Sounds like your day was drama-filled. :)

Maleen said...

How scary, but at least it wasn't bad. I read this to Tyler and he said it was just like a boy to want to keep the blood on to show his friends.

Well, and I took pictures when I cracked my head open because I thought the blood was cool too. I don't know what that says about me.

Katie said...

It cracks me up that he wanted to leave the blood on for proof. Boys are funny. I'm glad he didn't need stitches.

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Whew, I bet that was scary. I'm glad it all turned out okay. Sounds like there was a lot of blood.

Anonymous said...

I hate head injuries... but he is sooo cute! LOL

how are you feeling?