Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Halloween part two

Yes, I realize we are much closer to Thanksgiving than to Halloween, but I had to finish the Halloween post. I think I've had a mental block about posting because I know once Thanksgiving is here we hit the Fast Forward button to Christmas, and I really want this season to last a little longer. Anyway, here are the rest of our Halloween festivities:

A couple of weeks before Halloween we went to Gardener Village to get in the Halloween mood:

I couldn't figure out why it was so blurry, but then I cleaned my lens. "Hey Kam, let me take your picture to see if it's better":
Much better. We made some new friends
used the buddy system:and had lots of fun searching for witches.
On the way home we got a bite to eat, then went to Tai Pan. We saw lots of fun things, and kissed up to the big man:
And here are a few more highlights from Halloween day.
Olivia and "Mr. Jude" the substitute:

Sean and "Miss Crest Toothpaste":
Warren and "Miss Fancy Nancy":
And David, courtesy of the clown photographer from the back seat:Other fun David Halloween memories included "Chuck-a-cheesing" (trick or treating), and being obsessed with his Elmo bucket, which he "needed" several times over the days following Halloween. I think his first words the morning after were, "I need my Elmo bucket." I leave you with a song we heard several times throughout the Halloween season. My mom taught this song to my kids, and they loved it.
(here are the lyrics in case you can't understand. Please excuse the Hot Wheels skates that make several appearances throughout the taping)
It's Halloween, the lamps are lit
around the fire the children sit
telling ghost tales bit by bit
and sister Jane says, "hush"
who's that creeping cross the kitchen floor
who's that peeking round the bedroom door
who's that screeching like his throat is sore
It's a GOBLIN!


Jodi said...

My favorite part is "It's a goblin"! I love the way he says that...and "I need a hold your big finger" Cute kid!
And I am still a little bugged that mom taught the grandkids that song, I'd never heard it before David started singing it! Whats up with that mom?

Marie said...

Did you ever do your family pictures? You better not have without me doing your makeup for you!

Carrie said...

Oh my how cute was that! You must kiss him all day!!

Anonymous said...

I tried pinching his cheeks through my computer screen, but it wasn't the same!

thanks for sharing!!!

Maleen said...

I'm so glad you took pictures of the teachers, because when June said that Miss Feik was Fancy Nancy, I wished I could have seen it.
David singing is so cute because although I see him in nursery, he is really quiet.
The words really help. The first time around I couldn't understand the first few lines and I thought he said something about "Jesus" instead of "Jane says". But with the words, that boy is right on, he certainly knows that song :)

denise @ little ant design said...

So cute!

I keep hearing about this Gardner Village place and the witches on everyones blog. Do they do anything for Christmas? We are heading up that way and looking for some fun things to do.

Cindy B said...

So fun! You look like you had a great time.

buhlersdayoff said...

Loved it!! Brinley wanted to watch it over and over!!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Cute kids.