Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Great Start to the Season

Our Ward Relief Society Presidency organized a wonderful activity to kick off the Christmas season.  They asked people to donate their nativity sets for two evenings so we could all be reminded of the reason for the season.  Families were encouraged to attend together.  We took the kids over and it was the perfect way to get us in the Christmas spirit!  Olivia had already walked through with the Young Women, but she was still there when we showed up, so we borrowed her for our photo.  
 I had each of the boys stand next to their favorite set (or one of their favorites.  It was really hard to choose).  Briggy loved the rubber duck nativity.
 David chose the Precious Moments set.
 Sean and Warren both liked this set from The Philippines.
 I was partial to the Willow Tree set (and I really liked the silver one, too...that's why they are together in the photo).
 They were all beautiful and diverse.  They ranged from elaborate and ornate to simple and cute, but they all helped to remind us about the true meaning of Christmas.
 This one is an entire village scene from Bethlehem.  It was gorgeous!

There was music playing softly in the background and the kids got a candy cane as we were leaving.  I know a lot of work went into setting up (twice).  The Relief Society presidency set it up, lights and all, had to take it down and lock it up for safe keeping overnight, and then set it up again the next day (they did it for two days so that more families would have an opportunity to attend).  I am grateful for their efforts and grateful that my family was able to take advantage of seeing so many nativity sets so close to home.  Let the season begin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that idea. I also love that you have to borrow your daughter for a picture. Right there with you on that one.