Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Very Amazing Vineyard Viking Vocalists

That was the name of Olivia's school choir this year.  The choir director let the kids come up with names and they left it to a vote.  I think it's got a ring to it! 

Here they are at the end of the year program:

 Olivia with Mrs. Hoops
 ...and with Brooklyn and Lily (Olivia is still not sure how she's going to make it through her first year of Jr. High without Brooklyn next year.  School boundaries will put them in different Jr. High Schools.  It is a sad, sad thing.  We heart Brooklyn)
I can't believe her elementary school career is coming to an end!  When did she grow up? (Sunrise, sunset)


Maleen said...

Olivia looks so pretty in those pictures. I swear she has your same 'Sassy' look Deanne.

Unknown said...

She will LOVE Jr. High. That's sad her good friend won't be at the same school though.

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Olivia and her friends are so pretty! I can't believe how fast all of the kids grow up, it's very noticable with us being away. I hope Olivia has a great time in Jr. High!

Laura said...

Oh my gosh! When did Olivia grow up? I am really out of the loop. She is gorgeous!

Ali the B. said...

I agree about Brooklyn, I heart her too, all 3 of these young ladies are a PURE JOY to teach - it is sad to see Vineyard years come to an end, but I am saying Lakeridge ROCKS!!
Good luck with the finals, PLEASE let me know how you do!!! HUGS!!