Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If You Give a Mom a Project

I feel like I'm living the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" book.  We started a project Saturday that pushed a domino down.  Ten hours, several projects, one small episode of crying (It's never going to end)  and one disheveled house later I called it quits for the day.  I hit the wall.  I wanted to retreat to a (comfy) cave with a good book.  Three days later, I think we're making progress.  I can almost see the end of the domino chain. We're trying our darnedest to create space in this house of ours.  It's amazing how trying to move one dresser into one room can create so many projects.  I'm really hoping that we can put the Christmas decorations up this weekend.  My heart is oozing with holiday cheer and my house does not match. 

1 comment:

Becky said...

I know this feeling, where one task always leads to another and another and suddenly your whole day is full. Such is life I suppose.