I'm so glad to have Darin on my team. I don't know how I could have done this month without him. He is always on the scene with the middle of the night episodes. In fact, one night I was so tired from being up so much with Brig that I didn't even know that David and Warren had been awake with fevers. I'm so grateful to be married to a helping husband.
Brig has now finished his antibiotics, but is still fussy and not sleeping well. I went back to the doctor Saturday to see if the ear infection was a stubborn one. Nope. Both ears look great. Is this just how he is now? The doctor thinks it might be acid reflux. So...the good news is that for the next two weeks I will be on a strict elimination diet so we can see what it is that I am eating that is causing him to be fussy. I have been praying for motivation to eat better. Be careful what you pray for! Just when I thought we had the green light to go back to living our lives as normal, David and Warren both woke up in the middle of the night with high fevers. It is becoming physically and emotionally draining. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. Brig thinks I am a rock star and wants me to hold him at all times. He goes to other people just fine, but when he sees me he pleads with me (with his eyes and arms) to hold him. It is equal parts adorable and exhausting. My days are filled with giving medicine (and plenty of natural remedies), reminders to wash hands and cover coughs, disinfecting, washing bedding to kill the sick germs, trying to keep up with dishes and laundry (I have mastered many things one handed--baby in arms--but dishes and laundry aren't on the list yet), and trying to give enough TLC to all. Even with the challenges that come from having a big family of small kids, this is what I have always wanted to do and I am grateful to have this be my life. I just hope that we can go back to healthy very soon.
I am so sorry that you guys have been sick. We feel your pain. We are also going on three weeks of sickness. We thought we were out of the clear last Saturday and Callie threw up at Corn Belly's. Then all the kids have had a horrible cough. And I thought we were doing better this morning and Kai threw up everywhere during breakfast. I agree it has been an awful sick season so far.
Hopefully you guys getter better soon. It gets old very quickly.
Wow,I am sorry to hear that you guys have all been sick. That is definately not fun. I wish I lived closer so i could be of some help. I hope everyone gets feeling better soon!!
It does seem difficult to keep a large family all well at the same time.
I admit that I sat back and reveled in the fact that everyone looked great today. No runny noses, no coughs, no nothing. I am praying that it last through Halloween. I gave the washing hands lecture three times during breakfast.
Fingers crossed that mine stay well and that yours get there very soon. Oh, and good luck with the diet. If I think of anything stellar and bland, I'll let you know.
So sorry that you have been sick for that long. I think there is more sick everywhere than there has been in the past.
So sorry for you! All our kids had wickedly high fevers last week (you know the one with the school break, which we did not get to enjoy). It's going around. What can we do for you?
Having sick families can be a bummer. Sorry to hear that you are going through it. Yes, it is wonderful to have someone to help you carry the load. Just remember it is TEMPORARY. Things will get better and kids will get better and you will get more sleep.
Ugh! I've been there -- sickness is miserable! Hopefully this is just a bad month and the rest of the winter season will be filled with health. Take care, guys!
Feel better!
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